New Drugs in Dermatology A Clinical Update (Pre-bookings open) Dispatch will start from 28th June 2024

(0) By (author) Vineet Relhan

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Comprehensive coverage: Our text delves into a wide array of dermatological conditions, from common disorders to challenging cases. Each chapter is meticulously crafted to provide a thorough understa...

Comprehensive coverage: Our text delves into a wide array of dermatological conditions, from common disorders to challenging cases. Each chapter is meticulously crafted to provide a thorough understanding of the mechanisms, indications, and potential applications of the latest drugs. Clinical insights: In addition to outlining the pharmacological aspects of each drug, we emphasize practical insights, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and clinical application. Easy-to-follow format: The updated information has been presented in a crisp, easy-to-follow format to serve as a quick reference guide. Future directions: Our discussion extends beyond current treatments to speculate on the future of dermatological therapeutics, emerging technologies, evolving paradigms, and potential breakthroughs.

Author: Vineet Relhan
Vineet Relhan MBBS MD is working as Consultant, Department of Dermatology, F Senior ortis Hospital, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India and Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. Formerly, he served as a Professor, Department of Dermatology, Maulana Azad Medical College and Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi. He is the editor of 3 successful books in dermatology, has authored several publications in international as well as national journals, and has contributed many chapters in various dermatology books
Format: Paperback | 618 pages
Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5 (inches)
Publication: 2024 - 2024
Publisher: Evangel Publishing Pvt Ltd
ISBN: 9788196715564
Language: English